Our Services

  • Tree Pruning

    There are many reasons for pruning trees. Additional light for an understory garden or living space in the cooler months, shape and appearance, hazard reduction or structural and utility clearances. Whatever the reason, it’s important to carry out pruning to arboricultural standards.

    A sharp saw and skilled arborist making a clean cut at the branch collar ensures effective healing and increases the longevity of the tree.

    From the ever important formative pruning of younger plantings, through to large reductions of mature trees, we provide ethical and professional advice along with practical solutions.

  • Tree Removal

    Dead and dangerous, causing structural havoc with buildings and services or risk of failure due to adverse weather. The reasons for tree removal in the urban environment are many.

    We assess the job developing a methodology for the safest and most efficient way to go about it. Our skilled arborists utilize the highest standard of tools and equipment to complete the task with minimal impact on the surrounding environment.

    Here at Upland Trees we strive to upcycle as much waste material as possible, with our clients always having first pick. Quality woodchip, fire wood, habitat/landscape logs and timber for milling.

  • Hedging & Formative Pruning

    From planting and setup through to multi day maintenance jobs and reworks of existing hedges. We have you covered.

    Formative pruning of young plantings done correctly guides the natural growth of the trees, setting up a strong scaffold to support a healthy canopy for years to come.

    Whether its a brand new avenue on a newly developed regional property or an existing planting in need of some TLC, we can advise and implement a maintenance program to ensure healthy and vibrant trees into the future for generations to come.

  • Deadwood Removal & Canopy Maintenance

    We are climbing arborists, as opposed to those who access the canopy from a cherry picker or other external method. This means that every tree we climb is necessarily assessed as we move internally throughout the canopy, allowing us to identify and flag potential defects and health issues not visible from the exterior.

    In addition to required pruning, we are able to ascend through the canopy removing hazardous deadwood, selectively thinning for additional light penetration and removing poorly located epicormic growth.

    Works performed correctly benefit not only the health of the tree, but the amenity provided.

  • Tree Plot and Plantation Management

    Too often thousands are spent on establishing tree plots and timber plantations with little to no follow up. Trees have a required crown to trunk ratio for optimal health, plantings left unchecked end up looking like matchsticks and quickly reach a point of rapid decline due to stress and associated disease.

    Similar issues can arise in small agricultural tree plots, often funded with grants that don’t include follow up.

    Whether your goal is harvestable timber or a diverse thriving ecosystem (or both!), professional selective thinning and crown raising is a worthwhile consideration for your investment.

  • Other Services

    ~ Stump Grinding / Removal

    ~ Technical Felling & Burn Piling

    ~ Block Clearing & Tidy ups

    ~ Pre-Sale Tree & Vegetation Management

    ~ Tree Planting & Establishment

    ~ Fruit Tree & Nut Tree Pruning

    ~ Elm Leaf Beetle Tree Injection

    ~ Possum Guard & Wildlife Box Installations

    ~ Tight Access & Micro Excavation Works